Choosing the Best Roofing Specialist in Whangarei for the Job

A homeowner needs to look for a local roofing company known for its reputation, years of unbeatable professional experience, and when asked, they can provide you with client referrals. And the big bonus here is when you call any of their random clients, they are really satisfied and happy with the work done on their roofs. And that speaks volumes about the quality of their workmanship and their customer service.

This is just one of the many ways you can do research for you to ensure that only the best and the highest quality roofing is installed on your home.

Of course, not every home owner is big on customer service, some will surely go for a professional that can offer a much lower price.

However, don’t let yourself be enticed with the roofing contractor that has the lowest price for a genuinely costly service. To begin with, roofing materials are expensive and often customized to your home’s measurements. Price is an important factor, but you know when you ask for cheap, it doesn’t always equate to lasting quality. You could end up with a leaky roof again in a matter of months or years, and that might just cost you more.

Quality roofing isn’t cheap, and cheap roofing isn’t quality.

Beyond price, you should also consider the roofing specialist’s experience and qualifications. Also remember that the higher you spend, the better the quality of your roofing can be. It’s best to pay a fair sum just once than to pay smaller amounts regularly just to keep your roof from leaking.

When you reach out to roofing specialists to bid, a lot of contractors will surely sweet talk you with promises.  You will receive a lot of estimates, from self-starters to mid-range pros to roof veterans, some bids will be fair and reasonable, all within cost, but this can make it quite difficult for you to choose.  But there are ways to narrow down the perfect roofing candidate.

When you are in the hunt for a roofing contractor, make sure to do whatever you need to do and remember the following:

Reliance Roofing - image of a roof repair process

When looking for roof repair and installation experts in Whangarei, you’ll be surprise how many people in your neighbourhood are familiar with Reliance Roofing NZ.

We turn up when we say.



We provide a wide range of roofing services at your request.

We are the roofing specialists everyone calls. Got a leaky roof? Need a new roof system installed? Consult with us! Call us at Reliance Roofing 0508 ROOFING or email

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